Monday, November 7, 2011

Reflection on 1st Quarter

A few days before school started, I had a dream that I went to this class and was bored and annoyed with it all for various reasons, which I mostly can not remember now. Thankfully, reality ( although I know someone would want to debate what constitutes reality...), couldn't be further from this image!

I wasn't sure to what to expect walking into class on the first day. I have to admit, I laughed a bit at the calming guitar music playing in the background- it was nice, but so stereotypical of a high school philosophy class! I was halfway through Sophie's World, and pretty unimpressed. Even though I was interested in philosophy as a whole, I honestly did not think I had a single thing worth saying to anyone, and I didn't really expect to learn anything of importance from my peers.

But after the first seminar two days later, I knew this would be a great year. Everyone was so passionate and sincere in their comments. There was no feeling of: "I have to speak this many times to get a good grade." It was organic. Everyone was upbeat and engaged, and there was no pressure. It wasn't like other discussions I've had throughout high school. Our class is made up of brilliant and encouraging individuals- the whole environment makes it easier to become interested and involved in whatever we're doing.

I really do like this class. I feel motivated to work harder and participate, not only for a grade, but because I care and I enjoy learning more. I find myself connecting the things we learn in class to everything I do outside of it. And I'm excited to continue learning more about myself and the world in upcoming quarters.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this post Anne!
    Republic kicks us off with a 1 minute opening statement, followed by Timarchy, Oligarchy, Democracy and Tyranny.
    Then question 1 is read and (you don't get the questions in advance)
    Timarchy starts by answering the question and by attacking another society (only one) all in the space of a minute.
    Then Oligarchy goes and answers the question and attacks any of the societies remaining except the one Timarchy attacked and they have one minute then it goes to Democracy and then Tyranny and then the Republic.
    Question 2 starts with Oligarchy and we rotate until we get back around to the Republic going first. Each society can only be attacked once during each question. IF all four have been attacked then the 5th may choose. Every society then gets a 30 second rebuttal per attack. I'll be out tomorrow so debate is pushed back at least to Wednesday. Stomach flu=awful
