Sunday, November 6, 2011

And A Firm Kierkegaardian

(all of these quotes are paraphrased from memory)
Me: Why do you hate Hegel so much?
My Dad: Because he tried to systematize and explain everything. And you can't
do that.
Me: Yeah, but do you just disagree with him, or do you find that, like,
morally detestable?
My Dad: ...Morally detestable.

I'm not sure this is a fair characterization of Hegel, but I think it brings up an interesting question. Could anyone ever create a philosophy complete in breadth? Isn't the world far too large and infinite for one human to attempt to explain it all?

In class, Mr.Summers said that it is "much easier to tear down than to create." How much can we attempt to create before it all feels too futile?

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