Thursday, October 20, 2011

Kierkegaard vs. Nietzsche

This was an interesting debate with so many fantastic arguments from both sides. As others have stated, Nietzsche was not really opposed to Kierkegaard in the way that Kierkegaard was opposed to Hegel. I believe this made it a bit more difficult to come up with attacks and rebuttals, since both of them make similar points. Both philosophies center around the importance of the individual, and transcending societal law for a more meaningful existence, whether it be through teleological suspension of the ethical or through the process of exercising will to power and becoming an Ubermensch.

Before this class, Nietzsche was one of the only philosophers I had any interest in learning more about. It was disappointing to see that his philosophy was summed up in about a paragraph in Sophie's World! So I'm glad we chose to focus on him for the debate, instead of Hegel. I have a lot to say about both Kierkegaard and Nietzsche and I'll write about them tomorrow.

Unfortunately, I can't find the conclusion I had written out for the debate. If it doesn't turn up, I'll update this post with one as close as I can remember.

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