Friday, February 10, 2012

Red Celia and Last Thoughts on Philosophy of Art

This is the piece I chose for the practice IA. After writing 3 pages on it, I still can't quite put into words why I like it so much. Throughout this unit, I've found that it really is difficult to write about any form of art. I'm sure that's partially do to the fact that I am no art expert by any stretch of the imagination, but there is another problem. It's trying to logically explain an emotional response. So many times during my paper, I was tempted to stop explaining and say "Well, just look at it! Don't you get it?" I felt similarly trying to write about why I liked certain songs. Sometimes a song will just hit me at the right time. I'll listen to it for hours on end for weeks on end, and then forget about it completely when something else comes along. If I try to listen to it again, I'll have no idea why I got so caught up in it the first place, but I'll still love it just as much because it reminds me of a way I felt at a certain time. So much of it is a gut feeling- some word or note or image just stuck.

I don't think any essay or paper on aesthetics can ever hold the same weight as a piece of art itself. Still, I definitely think this was a fascinating and worthwhile unit. It was very interesting to try and examine what makes something art, or good art. It's difficult to interpret the various reactions we have to art, but they say so much about who we are.


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