Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Parmenides would argue that there are certain universal and unchanging truths within our own existence and the world around us. We are born, we die, and the process repeats itself. Throughout our lives, we share the same needs, emotions and thought processes. We can relate to any unknown person, knowing that they too have experienced excitement, fear, hunger, thirst, exhaustion and joy.

He would have also asserted that change is not present in the physical world (outside of our own existence) either. Although Parmenides would've have rejected a linear world view, I do not believe he would have completely agreed with a cyclical view either. He argued that the world is static, therefore it can not expand and contrast, it must be fixed into one concrete position. Newton's laws support this argument. They have remained the same since the world's formation, and guide the actions of every object that exists or has existed.

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